Progetti internazionali


Title: Life
Funding: LIFE-2023-SAP-CLIMA Programme: LIFE2027
Responsible person at Dima: Prof.ssa Maria Serena Chiucchi
Duration: 01 June 2024 -31 May 2028

Progetto LIFE finanziato CAPT-TILE dal titolo “CO2 CAPTuring from nature-based building TILEs” con capofila INDUSTRIE COTTO POSSAGNO SPA


Title: EDIH4Marche – Call: European Digital Innovation Hubs – Digital-2021-EDIH4-01
Responsible person at Dima: Prof. Valerio Temperini
Duration: 01 January 2023 -31 December 2025

EDIH4Marche – Call: European Digital Innovation Hubs – Digital-2021-EDIH4-01, a valere sul Digital Europe Programme per la selezione dei Poli europei per l’innovazione digitale (EDIH). Capofila per UNIVPM: DII – Dipartimento di Ingengneria Industriale


Title: AMOCEAB – Adrion Master On Circular Economy And Bioeconomy
Funding: INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020 Extraordinary Fifth call for proposals – Priority Axes 1 and 2
Responsible person at Dima: prof. Marco Giuliani
Duration: Jan 2023 – Sep 2023

Aim:  Starting from the need to foster the thematic link between Circular Economy and BioEconomy, both having for example, food waste, biomass and bio-based products areas of intervention, the project “Adrion Master On Circular Economy and BioEconomy (AMOCEAB)” aims to raise specific competences in these fields, through the establishment of a Transnational Network, a Master’s Degree Programme in the ADRION Area.

Publication of MDCEB draft programme on project partner official websites

Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

Title: LIFE21-NAT-IT-LIFE DREAM – Deep REef restoration And litter removal in the Mediterranean Sea
Funding: EU contribution 60%
Responsible person at UNIVPM: Prof. Emanuela Fanelli ( (Department of Life and Environmental Sciences)
Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2027
Web page:

Marine Deep Reefs (H1170 Habitat Directive) have an exceptional ecological value, but multiple anthropogenic stressors are jeopardizing these ecosystems. LIFE21-NAT-IT-LIFE DREAM led by CNR-ISMAR will monitor the status of four areas across the Mediterranean Sea hosting Deep Reefs ecosystems, with a focus on mitigating the anthropogenic pressure and promoting their protection, recovery, and restoration, together with the preservation of the ecosystem services they provide.

CEnTOUR- Circular Economy in Tourism

Finanziamento: COSME GA- Call COS-TOURCOOP-2019-3-01
Coordinatore: Prof. S. Cardinali
Durata: from 16 September 2020 to 15 September 2023

The CEnTOUR project (Circular Economy in Tourism) implements a capacity building and support scheme for SMEs of the tourism sector in 5 European and COSME countries – Italy, Spain, North Macedonia, Moldova and Greece. The project will lead enterprises to reach different levels of circular economy innovations within a transition system perspective, therefore forwarding solutions that are partly SMEs, but also try to go beyond the single SMEs system level, especially through reverse supply chain and symbiosis. This will help SMEs to develop effective marketing and promotional capabilities leveraging on their sustainability factor.

The project start is planned on 16 of September 2020, and operational activities will be conducted in the next 3 years. The total project budget is 1.329.404 Euros.

Il progetto CEnTOUR (Circular Economy in Tourism) implementa uno schema di rafforzamento delle capacità e di supporto per le PMI del settore turistico in 5 paesi europei e COSME: Italia, Spagna, Macedonia del Nord, Moldova e Grecia. Il progetto porterà le imprese a raggiungere diversi livelli di innovazione dell’economia circolare, aiuterà le PMI a sviluppare capacità promozionali e di marketing efficaci sfruttando il loro fattore di sostenibilità. Le attività operative saranno condotte nei prossimi 3 anni. Il budget totale del progetto è di 1.329.404 euro.