– Financial accounting and reporting. Bookkeeping. Financial statements. National and international accounting standards. Financial analysis (financial ratios and flows).
Contacts: prof. Sergio Branciari, prof. Maria Serena Chiucchi, prof. Luca Del Bene, prof. Guido Paolucci, prof. Marco Giuliani, prof. Simone Poli.
– Auditing and assurance. Financial auditing. Internal auditing. Assurance of non-financial information. National and international standards of auditing.
Contacts: prof. Sergio Branciari, prof. Marco Giuliani.
– Management Accounting/Control. Management control systems. Cost accounting. Managerial reporting. Budgeting, Activity Based Management Accounting and Activity Based Costing.
Contacts: prof. Maria Serena Chiucchi, prof. Luca Del Bene, prof. Stefano Marasca, prof. Attilio Mucelli, dott. Marco Gatti.
– Strategic control/Strategic management accounting. Methods and tools for strategic control (target costing, process value chain costing, balanced scorecard, value based planning, ecc.). Strategic analysis of business units. Business model analysis. Methods for visualizing, investigating and reporting the organizational value creation process.
Contacts: prof. Stefano Marasca.
– Intellectual Capital accounting. Analysis, measurement and valuation of intellectual capital (human capital, organizational capital and relational capital). Intellectual capital reporting according to international guidelines.
Contacts: prof. Maria Serena Chiucchi, prof. Stefano Marasca, prof. Marco Giuliani.
– Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability accounting. Social and environmental reporting according to national and international guidelines.
Contacts: prof. Sergio Branciari, prof. M. Serena Chiucchi, prof. Lucia Montanini.
– Integrated and global reporting: integrated and global reporting according to national and international guidelines.
Contacts: prof. Maria Serena Chiucchi, prof. Stefano Marasca
– Business valuation. Valuation of financial and intangible assets. National and international valuation standards. Valuation approaches and methods.
Contacts: prof. Guido Paolucci, prof. Marco Giuliani, prof. Stefano Marasca
– Corporate group administration and consolidated financial statements. Corporate governance. Consolidated financial statement according to national and international accounting standards. Financial analysis (financial ratios and flows).
Contacts: prof. Sergio Branciari, prof. Marco Giuliani, prof. Simone Poli.
– Public sector management and accounting. Cash-based accounting system. Accrual based accounting system. Cost analysis. Planning, budgeting and reporting. Performance evaluation systems.
Contacts: prof. Luca Del Bene, prof. Stefano Marasca
– Management and accounting in public healthcare organizations. Financial accounting and financial reporting. Management accounting. Cost analysis. Planning, budgeting and reporting. Performance evaluation systems.
Contacts: prof. Luca Del Bene, prof. Stefano Marasca, prof. Attilio Mucelli, prof. Simone Poli.
– Pension funds and accounting. Planning, budgeting and reporting. Performance evaluation. Analysis of the operational processes. Financial statement.
Contacts: prof. Attilio Mucelli.
– International business. Managerial and cultural problems related to business internationalization processes with a focus on the relationships between western and Bric (Brazil, Russia, India and China) firms.
Contacts: prof. Attilio Mucelli.
– Accounting history. Historical analysis of accounting systems and methods, of their use and of their social and cultural implications.
Contacts: prof. Simone Poli, dott. Marco Gatti.
International marketing strategies
Corporate and Business Strategies,
Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitiveness
Development strategies of SMEs
Innovation in company production and marketing activities
Retail Marketing
Business to business marketing
Sales Management
Territorial Marketing
Tourism marketing and destination management
WEB marketing
Business Communication
Operations and supply chain management.
Comprehensive analysis of the aspects, functions and tools of Business Finance.
Profit, intangibles and enterprise value.
Firm valuation and research of the real value.
Innovative financing methods.
Financial crises and firms.
Value creation in social enterprises.
Equity operations.
Capital structure.
Ownership structure
Corporate governance.
Prof. Alberto Manelli, Prof. Oscar Domenichelli
– Determinants of competitiveness and longevity in small- and medium-sized family businesses. Prof. E. Cori
Key-words: entrepreneurial succession, key-competences, tradition vs innovation, organization choices, organizational identity. Prof. E. Cori
– Growth and development processes in the new ventures and in SMEs.
Key-words: network, incubation processes, organization and HR management, relational capital. Prof. E. Cori
– Organizational and managerial issues in the opera houses and in the music festivals.
Key-words: organization structures, technological innovation, power and organizational control, cultural diversity, cultural networks, cultural heritage, organizational identity. Prof. E. Cori
– Borrowing decisions and over-indebtedness. Risk seeking or risk aversion: phenomenology and perception. Predictive strength of banking lending technologies. Out-of-court settlement of banking disputes. Governance of ecosystems. Financial information disclosure and risk perception. Social networks, entrepreneurial outcomes and gender. Technological latency and price volatility. High frequency trading. Financial education and literacy. Decision making under uncertainty and risk.
Contact researcher Prof.ssa Caterina Lucarelli
– Customers’ MiFID profiling and business models in the financial intermediation, financial risk tolerance and the determinants of autovaluation and portfolio composition gaps in householders’ investment activities , the role of gender in householders’ investment behaviors, information asymmetries and conflicts of interest in Initial Public Offerings, determinants of the Intellectual Capital disclosure strategy for listing firms, the role of non-financial information in the short run and long run performance of listing firms.
Contact researcher: Dott.ssa Camilla Mazzoli
The research topics of the mathematicians cover the study of economic and financial models. This study addresses both theoretical and applicative aspects related to the analyzed models.
In particular the research in mathematical finance is concentrated on the following topics:
stochastic models in finance,
historical series analysis of asset and commodity prices,
risk measures in quantitative finance,
credit risk,
models for energy market,
models for insurance,
discrete and continuous dynamical systems,
models with delay.
Prof. ssa Graziella Pacelli
Family, new sectors: environment and energy, telecommunications, cultural heritage, consumptions, alternative dispute resolutions (ADR), Bankruptcy and Corporate Law’s reform, obligations and contracts: national and international warranties.
Prof. Daniele Mantucci, Prof. Pietro Maria Putti
– Labor Law, Industrial Relations, Law Firm. Prof. Antonio Di Stasi
– Labor Law, Social Security, Insurance. Dott.ssa Laura Torsello
– Administrative organization, administrative decisions, the right to healthcare, anti-corruption rules, rules and technologies. Dot..ssa Monica De Angelis
– Administrative functions and public services, public and private services, horizontal subsidiarity, right of education. Dott.ssa Laura Trucchia
– Public finance and tax revenue; procedures of assessment and collection; VAT system and customs taxes. Dott. Christian Califano.
– Coordination of national direct tax systems in UE; relations between international tax law and UE law. Dott. Luca Cerioni.