
Doctoral Programme in Business Management.

The research-doctorate programme in Business Management has been set up  on academic year 2005-2006 at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in collaboration with the Universities of Urbino and Macerata, that contribute on both a teaching and organizational level. The teaching activities of the doctorate program are mainly held in the Department of Management of the Faculty of Economics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona.

The training course of the doctorate program consists of areas of research regarding Business Management disciplines. In addition to methodological and historical aspects, the areas of research will deal with typical managerial functions inside a firm aiming at systematic integration with a management of processes approach aimed at getting an insight into the complexity and articulation of business and management systems.

The doctorate program provides PhD students with scientific analytical methods/means/instruments, appropriate for carrying out research work in Business Management disciplines,   not only for carrying out research and teaching in the academic environment/circle, but also for carrying out highly professional work in public and private firms.

There will be regular seminar sessions and training courses aimed at providing highly qualified practical research in firms, that have consolidated experience in organizational and managerial research. During the 15 months of the doctoral course usually the students will attend the lectures; in the second and third year they will study for their doctoral thesis on specific research subjects.

The Department  joins Edamba (European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration). The purpose of Edamba is to promote and facilitate cooperation among European Doctoral programmes in Management and Business Administration by providing and managing a network to exchange information, to exchange Doctorate candidates and to promote research cooperation.

Coordinator: Prof. Luca Del Bene.

Doctoral Programme in Business Law

Coordinator: Prof. Gerardo Villanacci